We prepped for meeting with them so we could present concerns and have them addressed. While going to Valve was enjoyable, it was not a vacation I treated it like a business trip. You wonder why the media calls us spoilt children? It is because of things like this. However, we went so the lot of you demanded we step down because we were ‘bought out’. If we had refused to go and talk to them, then the whole lot of you would have demanded we step down because we had wasted an opportunity to talk to Valve. There is not one among you who would have refused a chance to go to Valve and talk to them directly about our concerns. Neither I, nor Agent of Chaos has done anything that you would not have. I am also disappointed in some members of this group. It is this more than anything else that that should make people willing to see what they have coming for us instead of damning them. They could have been like most every other publisher out there and ignored our criticism, but they didn’t. They took our concerns seriously enough that they have dealt with us directly. Valve has done something unprecedented because of this group. Has this group made a difference? Only time will tell. At the end of it though, it can be said that all of us who have had a hand in running the group have put forth the best possible effort. This has been a long and very strange experience. I'll be banning trolls for the next hour too. If you do want to discuss this or find out more will be covering the demo release over the next few days. Relax, play some L4D, Stalker, Borderlands, whatever your flavor is. I don't run things here any more and I don't own L4D2. Stop messaging me to tell me how PO'd you are about this. They are pretty good guys, despite screwups like this. One think I can say for sure, Valve will respond to this. If they released a severely bugged demo, it would do nothing to help them - they learned that from the Crash Course incident. If there are severe bugs in the demo, it is probably better to delay it than suffer fanboy wrath over clipping issues or a bugged spawn.
In the end though, despite the fact that this is making the PC community quite angry, it is probably a smart move on Valve's part.
That map/DLC came out almost a full day before the PC version was released: both versions needed patching to make them right too. Just look at what happened with Crash Course too. Valve hasn't pushed a game out inside of one year before. If more stupidity crops up comments will be closed again. Comments are reopened for the time being. On the request of Walking_Target, I'm posting this. Past Valve interviews about L4D1 post-release plans (by Andy013) Do not use photos or text without permission. Our server is Provided by: All original content posted by officers or the group owner are the property of the person who posted said content. (Thanks to member "afternine" who wrote this manifesto, from which the staff made some slight modification Updated 10.10.09 for relevence) Therefore, we - the members of this Left 4 Dead 2 Boycott - promise to abstain from the purchase of Left 4 Dead 2 until our requests are addressed.

That Valve honor its commitment to release ongoing periodic content for Left 4 Dead.
The release of Left 4 Dead 2 will make Left 4 Dead an obsolete purchase and inferior piece of software after only one year since release. Left 4 Dead has not yet received the support and content which Valve has repeatedly stated will be delivered. The announced content of Left 4 Dead 2 does not warrant a stand-alone, full-priced sequel and should instead become updates (free or otherwise) for Left 4 Dead. The release of Left 4 Dead 2 as a stand-alone sequel will split the communities and decrease the quality of multiplayer gaming. To supporting the model of continual updates Valve has set forth with its staple products like Team Fortress 2. To keeping the Left 4 Dead community together in order to improve the quality of online gaming. To holding Valve to its promise of free, continual updates to Left 4 Dead in order to build and sustain the community. Left 4 Dead was, and is, a quality game which deserves the praise of the entire gaming community. Judgment cannot be passed on the quality of Left 4 Dead 2 until its release. Valve is a company with financial needs and cannot be expected to survive without the release of new games. This is the correct group for the boycott) (Note: this manifesto is a new version, which we have recently posted to keep our manifesto in line with the middle ground of our members. We have assembled a manifesto outlining the basic concensus of many members of our community. Want to contact the team? Write us at - Left 4 Dead 2 Boycott is a group of individuals who have pledged to boycott Valve's upcoming release of Left 4 Dead 2 on November 17th, 2009.